March 13, 2009


Paaalease! Matt Lauer says he's staying home because of the bad economy- last year they whined about being GREEN- despite the fact they flew every which way around the whole globe --with great guilt, of course... what a joke. This is exhibit A of what liberal guilt(feigned and not) is all about; A man wealthy beyond most peoples dreams, dares to sit there and tell the world he somehow feels their pain, and he's going to be an example somehow...spare us Lauer. Fact is, there is "two America's" - as John Edwards would speak of's reality!! It's just that liberals feel the need to pretend that reality does not, nor should not exist!!! This is part and parcel to this farcical ideology.

The reality is that Lauer is rich...he should continue being rich...I want to him to become even richer...this is me, the Friedmanite talking, of course. Lauer, sadly is laden with guilt that he is rich. In my view he should be hopping the globe showing us lowly working stiffs that the world and its possibilities are endless and so is anyone's potential wealth - and he should be proud of it.

One of my favorite axioms which I believe stands true: High tides float all boats.

(Click on title to read piece)

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